Wednesday, February 16, 2011

>3 (Love that Becky)

Time to Make a Blog Book

It's February 17, 2011 and I'm awaiting a new Soriano-Bilal any day. I saw an ad for a service that turns your blog into a book. Since the World According to Sekani will be changing drastically with a sibling, it's time to capture his early years on paper. My baby is growing up...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Many Birthday Celebrations...many wishes to make...

Thank you Nama Jane for making birthday treat #1 with me. I love you. Thank you Kylie for helping me celebrate.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Alamo Square Park Party and Donut Pyramid!!!

Birthday at School

At Sekani's preschool, the teachers facilitate a beautiful birthday ceremony. It begins with a story from the parent/s about the birthday child as a baby. We shared the story of Sekani learning sign language. He then walked around the circle, holding a candle, stopping in front of each classmate as they said a wish.

I hope your birthday lasts forever.
I'm glad you were born.
I love you. Happy Birthday.

The circle concluded with a jump over a red rope; one side is 4 and the other side is 5.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Grandma Rosie with her Great Grandchildren

Sekani was intrigued by Great Grandma's fur. He says, "Grandma, you look like a cat."
I help him out a bit by saying, "Do you mean Grandma looks pretty in her coat that looks like a cat?"
"Yeah. It's soft like a cat."